Please make sure to close the Trash Building Door after using the facility!
No bears or porcupines allowed!
Please ensure all lights are off after leaving the facility as well! ( Thank you!)
Please no appliances, batteries, electronics, construction waste, or tires in Town dumpsters.
Paint and stain must be dry. Please add kitty litter or paint hardener prior to disposal.
Please break down cardboard boxes!
Please note there are separate bins for paper and commingles (glass, plastic, aluminum).
For Recycling Guidelines and other resources to recycle please click HERE
Plastic Bag Recycling
In response to concerns from Certified Green Businesses, EcoAction Partners has launched an experimental 6 month plastic film recycling program. Trex Decking uses plastic film to make 100% post-cosumer products in the USA. This program is ongoing through November 24,2019 and will be assessed for permanent implementation then.
Town of Ophir Drop Off Instructions:
Bundle plastics in a CLEAR bag. All plastic must be clean, dry and free of food residue. The Drop Off Box is located in the trash building by the stand alone composter.
What plastics can be recycled?
- Grocery Bags
- Packaging Air Pillow
- Ziplock & reclosable food storage bags
- Dry cleaning bags
- Bread Bags
- Cereal Liners
- Trash Bags, any color
- Newspaper Sleeves
- Ice Bags
- Wood Pellet bags
- Produce bags
- Bubble wrap
- Salt bags
- Case overwrap
- 2, 4 polyethylene film
Do not include:
- Degradable/compostable bags or film packing
- Pre-washed salad mix bags
- Frozen Food Bags
- Candy Bar Wrappers
- Chip Bags
- Six-pack rings
- Other recyclables; this waste stream is for plastic film only.
The town of Ophir currently has four composters where residents can discard their home food waste in turn creating mulch/soil for our community. The composting program was implemented by the Ophir Self Reliance Committee in efforts to reduce residential waste and CO2 emissions.
Pledges are available for residents at the Trash Building and volunteers are needed to help with compost duties!
Other options for donating your items are:
NOBODY wants...
When you put these items in the free box, you are merely leaving your trash for someone else to clean up.
Thank you for being thoughtful and passing along only good, desirable, and useable items!